The UK's Transport Bill that would legalise electric scooters has been delayed until at least late next year.
Originally planned to be put to parliament during the current parliamentary session, which is likely to run until spring next year, the hold-up is said to have been down to the government considering its “legislative priorities” as it responds to the growing cost of living pressures facing the country.
The delay was confirmed by Transport Secretary Mark Harper at a recent Transport Select Committee hearing.
Currently, only e-scooters participating in government-approved rental trials are legal to use on UK roads.
These trials began in 2020, though the evidence for the potential full legalisation of e-scooters is still being studied by the government.
As well as creating a new category for low-speed zero-emission vehicles, the Transport Bill also includes laws to support the expansion of the UK’s EV charging network and self-driving cars.
Harper said the “legislative priorities” will be for the next parliamentary session, expected to run from Spring next year into 2024, though added its duration would depend on “parliamentary time being available”.
Given that Harper added “the legislative timetable for the entire parliamentary term has been rather transformed by events” - citing the cost of living and the war in Ukraine, it is looking unlikely that the Transport Bill will be presented to Parliament before the second half of 2023 at the earliest, and may have to wait till 2024 or potentially, even beyond that.
Legislation to legalise e-scooters set to be delayed
The planned Transport Bill which will legalise privately owned e-scooters for UK roads, has been delayed until at least late 2023

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